"What Would Happen If" is an original video series I created for Digg.com. It was adapted from a written series by Steve Rousseau.
The Manifesto: "What Would Happen If" is the anti-explainer video. Utilizing visual metaphors, we take a mundane hypothetical situation to its logical conclusion.
The Ask:
To build a regular delivery schedule of short-form original video content
To simultaneously release a video with a related written content to utilize video-in-canvas product
The Constraints:
Video production pipeline requires more lead time than written content pipeline
Limited access to animation team and charismatic screen personality
Don’t want to make “Explainer” video content that looks like every other publisher
The Solution:
Live-action shoots featuring hands interacting with minimal sets and props narrated by Voiceover
To fold the research and writing schedule into the video pre-production schedule, and adding a VO script-writing phase
Writing and shooting 4 videos at a time so that post-production and delivery with written article can be staggered over the course of 4 weeks